Podcast / Africa 29 April 2020 1 minute Climate, Conflict and Peacekeeping’s Unwanted Footprint This week on The Horn, Alan and David Mozersky, co-founder of Energy Peace Partners and a former Crisis Group project director for the region, discuss the conflict in Darfur, UN climate goals and the international community’s carbon footprint. Share Facebook Twitter Email Linkedin Whatsapp Save Print “Africa is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change across the world, and yet is the least responsible”. Climate change is a threat multiplier. Its ability to disrupt livelihoods, change migration patterns and complicate political imbalances make it an increasingly significant driver of conflict. David Mozersky, co-founder of Energy Peace Partners and a former Crisis Group project director for the region, is Alan’s guest this week. They examine the conflict in Darfur, UN climate goals and the international community’s carbon footprint. Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Related Tags More for you Podcast / Horn of Africa The Horn (Season 3) Podcast / Hold Your Fire! (Season 2)