The EU and E3 (France, Germany and the UK) jointly announced that they “deeply regret the U.S. decision to end the three waivers covering key JCPOA nuclear projects in Iran”. Describing the projects as promoting “the non-proliferation interests of all”, the EU/E3 indicated that they were “consulting with our partners to assess the consequences of this decision by the U.S.” They also noted that “we have worked continuously with the aim of ensuring the full and effective implementation of commitments under the JCPOA, in particular the return of Iran to full compliance with its nuclear commitments without delay”. The same day, Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson underlined that the waiver termination ignored “Iran’s innate rights and disrupts international public order”, warning that “if it leads to negative impacts on Iran’s nuclear rights in accordance with international regulations and the provisions of the JCPOA, it will take the necessary practical and legal steps”.
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