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Displaying 1 - 10 of 20 articles

How Israel Mastered Information Warfare in Gaza

Pro-Israel misinformation aimed at dismissing and discrediting Palestinian narratives is the fruit of a decade-long effort.

Miedo, mentiras y lucro: el uso de redes sociales por los grupos criminales en México

En México, las redes sociales son una de las principales fuentes de información sobre crímenes violentos, y muchos lugares son demasiado peligrosos para los periodistas. Pero mucha información es inexacta o engañosa, y es compartida por los grupos criminales. Las plataformas deberían adaptar sus políticas para minimizar los riesgos.

Also available in English

Why a Small Change at Twitter Could Have Big Consequences for Deadly Conflict

As Twitter limits access to a tool to analyse conversations on the platform, researchers will be deprived of information that sheds light on political hate speech and incitement to violence. That will have real-world implications for tracking election meddling, disinformation campaigns and human rights abuses.

Commentary / Africa

What Facebook Does (and Doesn’t) Have to Do with Ethiopia’s Ethnic Violence

A victim’s relative is among those accusing Meta in a Kenyan court of failing to adequately police incendiary speech on Facebook during Ethiopia’s civil war. Much greater effort from the company is warranted. But Meta’s task is hardly straightforward.

Briefing / Africa

Chad’s Transition: Easing Tensions Online

Chadians’ growing use of social media could prove a boon for the country’s political transition, but it could also fuel violence offline. With donor backing, authorities, civil society, online platforms and influencers should work to ensure social media remains a space for democratic debate rather than an accelerator of conflict.

Also available in Français
Commentary / United States

What the Facebook Whistleblower Reveals about Social Media and Conflict

Former Facebook employee Frances Haugen’s recent testimony before the U.S. Senate reasserted the platform’s role in propagating misinformation that feeds conflict offline. Facebook should do more to reduce the spread of harmful content by revamping its moderation capacities and modifying its algorithm.

Podcast / Technology and War

Big Data and Global Security

In the first episode of the new season of War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk with entrepreneur Jim Balsillie about technology, governance and security, and explore the complex threats emerging as economies are increasingly driven by big data.

Report / Asia

Myanmar’s Military Struggles to Control the Virtual Battlefield

In order to silence opposition to the February coup, Myanmar’s military is vigorously policing the internet as it quashes street protests. Outside powers and technology companies should endeavour to keep the online space free of interference and deny the junta tools of virtual repression.

Also available in Burmese, Chinese, Simplified
Podcast / Global

Peacemaking in Cyberspace

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk to conflict mediator Adam Cooper, of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, about the hidden world of peace diplomacy, cyber mediation and the pros and cons of social media during peace processes.

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