/ Europe & Central Asia 02 March 2023 1 minute Tribunal on the Crime of Aggression: A faint Prospect or a Realistic Probability (Twitter Space, 2 March 2023) In this Twitter Space Crisis Group experts discuss the need and purpose of a tribunal on the crime of aggression for the war in Ukraine. Share Facebook Twitter Email Linkedin Whatsapp Save Print In this Twitter Space Olga Oliker, Crisis Group’s Program Director for Europe and Central Asia and Elissa Jobson, Crisis Group’s Chief of Advocacy, talk with UN Director Richard Gowan and Crisis Group’s Senior U.S. Program Adviser Brian Finucane about the need for and purpose of such a tribunal and what it would take to make it happen. They will also discuss what roles of the UN, the U.S. and the international community might play and how the process could affect peacemaking efforts in Ukraine. Loading Video Related Tags More for you Podcast / Europe & Central Asia Finland’s President Alexander Stubb on NATO, Europe’s Security and its Relations with the Rest of the World Podcast / United States U.S. Elections and the Future of Transatlantic Relations