Brussels The International Crisis Group is pleased to announce the launch of a new Text Only version of our website.

Crisis Group has developed the Text Only version to allow users with slow internet connections easier access to reports and resources available on the Crisis Group website. The Text Only version contains most of the information available on Crisis Group’s primary site, including all of our reports, in a simpler format that allows for faster navigation.

This improvement complements the other resources offered on Crisis Group’s website, including:

  • Advocacy campaign pages – pulling together Crisis Group's publications and other internet resources on the conflict in question;
  • Research resources and links – an extensive list of resources related to conflict prevention and analysis;
  • Early Warning Resources – a one-stop shop for forewarning of possible conflicts around the world and information on conflict trends;
  • CrisisWatch, Conflict Histories and Maps databases;
  • Islamism and Democratisation sections, bringing together our publications on the issues of Islamic activism and democratisation;
  • RSS feeds;
  • Free email notification of our reports and briefing papers, as well as our monthly bulletin CrisisWatch; and
  • The ability for users to download executive summaries of recent reports and opinion pieces to their Palms and handheld computers.

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