The International Crisis Group is deeply saddened by the death of Adnan Abu-Odeh, a former Jordanian minister, chief of the Royal Court, and a member of Crisis Group’s Board of Trustees from 2004 to 2011. He died on 2 February 2022 in Amman, Jordan, aged 88.
Born in the Palestinian West Bank town of Nablus, Abu-Odeh was a student of English literature at Damascus University and worked as a teacher in several Arab countries. After joining Jordanian government service, he became by turn minister of information and culture, ambassador to the UN, and a close adviser of the late King Hussein, focused especially on the kingdom’s policy on Israel/Palestine issues.
“Adnan Abu-Odeh combined the qualities of intellectual and statesman,” said Dr Comfort Ero, Crisis Group’s President & CEO. “We are grateful for all the insights he shared while serving on Crisis Group's Board of Trustees and for the generous advice he gave to our senior Crisis Group Middle East experts for whom he always had an open door.” Our thoughts are with his family.
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