War in Gaza: To What End and At What Cost?
War in Gaza: To What End and At What Cost?
Podcast / Middle East & North Africa 1 minutes

War in Gaza: To What End and At What Cost?

This week on Hold Your Fire! Richard is joined by Crisis Group experts Mairav Zonszein, Robert Blecher, Tahani Mustafa and Heiko Wimmen to talk about the bombardment of Gaza, the al-Ahli Arab Hospital explosion, U.S. President Joe Biden’s trip to Israel and risks of escalation in the West Bank, Lebanon and elsewhere.

In this episode of Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Crisis Group experts Mairav Zonszein, Robert Blecher, Tahani Mustafa and Heiko Wimmen to discuss what has happened over the past week in Gaza and where the war might be headed. Richard first talks to Mairav and Robert about Biden’s visit to Israel this week, Israel’s looming ground invasion of Gaza and whether the devastating blast at the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, for which responsibility remains unclear, might change calculations in Israel or Washington. He then talks with Tahani about escalating violence in the West Bank and risks of further worsening bloodshed. He and Heiko discuss the continuing exchange of fire between the Israeli army and Lebanese militant group Hizbollah at the Israel-Lebanon border and what might trigger a further escalation there and further afield. 

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. 

For more analysis of the conflict in Israel-Palestine, you can check out our latest statement A Ceasefire in Gaza and our Israel/Palestine page.


Executive Vice President
Senior Analyst, Israel
Program Director, Future of Conflict
Project Director, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon
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Tahani Mustafa
Senior Analyst, Israel-Palestine

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