A New Phase in the War in Gaza
Podcast / Middle East & North Africa 1 minute

Starving Gaza

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group experts Azmi Keshawi, Robert Blecher and Mairav Zonszein about the UN’s warning that famine is looming in Gaza.

In this episode of Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Crisis Group experts Azmi Keshawi, Robert Blecher and Mairav Zonszein to discuss Gaza’s humanitarian crisis, Israeli politics around the war, stalled ceasefire talks and how much Washington’s stance is changing. Richard first talks to Azmi in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah about deteriorating living conditions in the strip. He then talks with Mairav and Robert about the main obstacles to ceasefire talks and the difficulties in getting aid into the strip and distributing it. They assess how much Israel's military operation is succeeding in degrading Hamas's military infrastructure. They also talk about splits in the Israeli war cabinet and how much pressure Washington is prepared to exert to get more aid in.

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Executive Vice President
Program Director, Future of Conflict
Senior Analyst, Israel
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Azmi Keshawi
Researcher, Gaza

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