Conferences in Germany, India and Türkiye and the Demise of Peace Deals
Conferences in Germany, India and Türkiye and the Demise of Peace Deals
A New Phase in the War in Gaza
Podcast / Global 1 minute

Conferences in Germany, India and Türkiye and the Demise of Peace Deals

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group’s President & CEO Comfort Ero and Chief of Policy Stephen Pomper, first, about what recent conferences in Germany, India and Türkiye say about world politics and, secondly, why so few recent wars have ended in negotiated settlements.

In this episode of Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Comfort Ero, Crisis Group’s President and CEO, and Stephen Pomper, Chief of Policy, to talk about a string of recent conferences – in Germany, India and Türkiye – and obstacles to diplomacy aimed at securing peace deals among warring parties. First, they share takeaways from the Munich Security Conference, the Raisina Dialogue in India and Türkiye’s Antalya Diplomacy Forum, the differences in mood in each of the three meetings and what they tell us about global affairs today. Then, they discuss why so few recent conflicts have ended in negotiated settlements, what’s behind the seeming demise of comprehensive peace agreements and what a changing global environment for diplomacy means for efforts to end wars today.

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Executive Vice President
President & CEO
Chief of Policy

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