Bab al-Mandab, Yemen 0
16 April 2019

President Trump vetoed S.J.Res 7, directing him "to remove U.S. Armed Forces from hostilities in or affecting Yemen". In a message to the Senate, Trump noted that "Huthis, supported by Iran, have used missiles, armed drones and explosive boats to attack civilian and military targets in... coalition countries, including areas frequented by American citizens, such as the airport in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In addition, the conflict in Yemen represents a 'cheap' and inexpensive way for Iran to cause trouble for the U.S. and for our ally, Saudi Arabia". He further indicated "the joint resolution would also harm the foreign policy of the U.S.", including by "embolden[ing] Iran's malign activities in Yemen". "Even the U.S. Congress wants to put an end to CENTCOM's destabilising activities in Yemen", suggested Foreign Minister Javad Zarif shortly thereafter. "But petrofinanced Netanyahu-firsters and their enabler in the White House will continue... to push for forever wars". 

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