4 January 2024

A Pentagon spokesperson announced that in Iraq, “U.S. forces took necessary and proportionate action against Mushtaq Jawad Kazim al-Jawari, a.ka. Abu Taqwa, who was a Harakat-al-Nujaba leader. Abu Taqwa, was actively involved in planning and carrying out attacks against American personnel”. Another member of Harakat al-Nujaba was also killed during the strike. The spokesperson underscored that “the strike was taken in self-defence, that no civilians were harmed and that no infrastructure or facilities were struck”. The Iraqi prime minister’s office “unequivocally condemned” the attack, asserting: “We view this action as a dangerous escalation and assault on Iraq, diverging from the spirit and the text of the mandate and the mission for which the Global Coalition was established in Iraq”. The following they, Prime Minister al-Sudani emphasised Iraq’s “firm position in ending the existence of the international coalition after the justifications for its existence have ended”, announcing that the "government is setting the date for the start of the bilateral committee to put arrangements to end the presence of the international coalition forces in Iraq permanently”.

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