Tehran 0
21 June 2021

A U.S. diplomatic spokesperson indicated that “if and when we are able to achieve that mutual return to [JCPOA] compliance, we will be in a stronger position to, through diplomacy, take on these other areas that have been such a challenge: the ballistic missile program, support for proxies and terrorist groups and human rights, among others”. The spokesperson also noted that “the Iranians have no doubt about where we stand on the issue of this follow-on diplomacy… they have heard it in no uncertain terms as well”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson the same day asserted that “there will never be a discussion about a new JCPOA”, adding: “if anyone wants to be sure of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program, it is better to put the full implementation of the JCPOA on its agenda”. He further highlighted that “the U.S. once showed during the Trump era that it can arrogantly ignore the interests of other countries, so Iran wants guarantees from the current U.S. administration”.

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