Tehran 0
9 May 2020

In a statement marking the second anniversary of the U.S.’s JCPOA withdrawal, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo maintained that “we have built the strongest sanctions in history and prevented Iran from funding and equipping terrorists with many billions of dollars. Today, the American people are safer and the Middle East is more peaceful than if we had stayed in the JCPOA”. Pompeo further appealed to “the international community to join us to stop the world’s leading state sponsor of anti-Semitism”, and pledged that “the U.S. will exercise all diplomatic options to ensure the UN arms embargo [on Iran] is extended. We will not accept their status quo level of violence and terror. And we will never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson reacted by contending: “only a rogue regime with zero sense of moral responsibility can take pride in dishonoring its international commitments and violating international law. Mark my words: 8 May 2018 will remain an everlasting disgrace for American polity”.

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