Washington 0
9 October 2020

President Trump remarked that “If I win [the presidential election] we’ll have a great deal with Iran within one month”, further stating: “Iran is bust because of me, because of sanctions and other things… You don’t see the terror the way used to see the terror”. He also indicated that “they know if they do anything against us they’ll pay a thousand-fold problem”, adding: “they’ve been put on notice… if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before and they understand that”. Iran’s diplomatic spokesperson maintained that “the Iranian people aren’t intimidated by the bullying rhetoric of the failing and lawless U.S. regime… We will choose [to] response to U.S. crimes, including sadistic sanctions and [the] criminal assassination of ISIS number one enemy, General [Qassem] Soleimani”.

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