Venue (In person): Comet Meetings - Louise, Pl. Stephanie 20, 1050, Brussels; or via Zoom
11 May 2022
15:30 – 17:15 CEST
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and retaliatory sanctions against Moscow have caused a global commodities crisis. A succession of supply, price and other economic shocks are already rippling through the international system. With a cascade of political crises – including potentially deadly ones – likely to follow, preventative and preparatory action is urgently needed. The EU and its member states should help mitigate these risks.
This roundtable will assess which countries and regions are most at risk in the medium and long term, and discuss how the EU and member states can provide economic relief to vulnerable states and prevent political crises from metastasising into conflict. The roundtable will convene in person in Brussels, and online, and will bring together experts and policy-makers working on these issues.
Richard Atwood, Executive Vice President, International Crisis Group
Marc Fiedrich, Acting Director, Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, European Commission
EU official from the European External Action Service
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and subsequent Western-led sanctions have pushed commodity prices to near-record levels. Skyrocketing raw material costs will not only deepen current humanitarian crises, but also threaten to push other countries into economic crises, inflame existing political tensions and create new ones. This session will look at how commodity shocks will affect fragile contexts in different ways, in the medium and long-term. Speakers will explore, in specific country contexts, how economic stresses could lead to political crises in the months to come. Experts will also discuss potential international and regional responses to these evolving crises, with special attention to the role of the EU and member states.
Rafael Ch Duran, Postdoctoral Fellow on the Future of Conflict, Crisis Group
Katrin Kamin, Deputy Head of the Presidential Task Force and Co-chair of the Trade Policy Task Force, Kiel Institute
Olivia Lazard, Visiting Fellow, Carnegie Europe
EU officials from the European Commission
Champa Patel, Director of Innovation and Deputy Director of the Future of Conflict Program, International Crisis Group
Participants in the room are encouraged to actively intervene with their own expertise on the matter, following a list of guiding questions to be shared closer to date.
In order to join in person at the venue “Comet Meetings - Louise” located at Pl. Stefanie 20, 1050 Bruxelles, please register with Lavinia Pletosu at [email protected]
In order to join online via Zoom, please register via this link.
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