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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Main opposition party SDF boycotted 20 May National Day commemoration of reunification, in continuing protest against lack of democratic freedoms, urged all Cameroonians to join non-violent protest. 2 opposition politicians arrested in Douala 19 May after earlier criticizing National Day; charges unclear. Govt and French PM Fillon during 20-22 May visit signed “new generation” defence agreement, which now excludes provisions for French military intervention.



Leader of northern rebel group MLPC arrested in Nigeria 22 Apr, transferred to Cameroon, for plotting to overthrow President Biya. Former ambassador to U.S. and communications minister detained for embezzlement as Biya continued high-profile anti-corruption campaign. Govt 6 Apr announced plans to resolve border issues relating to Bakassi Peninsula, transferred from Nigerian control Aug 2008.



Unidentified armed group kidnapped 6 foreign oil workers off Bakassi peninsula 14 March; govt announced release 16 March, independent sources denied. Former national airlines company head Paul Ngamo Hamani 17 March charged with embezzling over $250m, as President Biya continued anti-corruption campaign.



Chairman of opposition Social Democratic Front (SDF), Fru Ndi, 1 Feb lashed out at composition of electoral commission formed by President and dominated by ruling CPDM members, vowing to obstruct 2011 polls, warning of national “bloodbath”. EU 9 Feb issued call for electoral commission’s impartiality. FM 19 Feb warned diplomats to stop criticising ELECAM.



Relations with Equatorial Guinea deteriorated after EG army killed 1 Cameroonian fisherman in Dec, arrested 3 others 6 Jan, for alleged intrusion into EG waters. Cameroon followed 11 Jan with arrest of 3 EG soldiers in southern town Kribi; prisoners exchanged 12 Jan. Pirates in Cameroonian waters attacked Greek vessels 24 Jan, killing 1. Opposition, civil society denounced President Biya’s 30 Dec appointment of former members of ruling party CPDM to all but one of electoral commission seats; Supreme Court 27 Jan rejected call by main opposition party SDF to cancel nominations.



Rebel group Bakassi Freedom Fighters 12 Dec threatened to renew attacks on oil vessels if no negotiations opened within 15 days. 9 activists, 2 journalists arrested and reportedly beaten 10 Dec by police in crackdown on hundreds- strong rally by farmers protesting corruption in agriculture ministry.



Rebel group Bakassi Freedom Fighters 11 Nov released all 10 hostages taken in 31 Oct offshore attack on French oil vessel, reportedly in exchange for 13 Niger Delta rebels detained in Cameroon. President Biya met French officials 21 Nov to discuss military assistance in securing Bakassi area.



Parliament voted 17 Apr to remove presidential term limits, clearing way for President Biya to continue 26-year rule past 2011. Opposition groups protested: SDF boycotted debate; case against Biya by opposition AMEC thrown out of Supreme Court.



Rights groups claimed government under- reported deaths, arrests during late Feb protests against fuel hike and President Biya’s plan to extend 25-year rule. 100 alleged dead, over 2,000 in detention. Opposition Social Democratic Front late March vowed further protests. EU Presidency 27 March issued declaration condemning violence, urging democratic approval of constitutional changes.



Violent protests spread to Yaoundé and other major cities following 24 Feb taxi strike over fuel price rises in Douala. Unrest comes amid rising living costs and after President Biya’s Jan announcement of plan to extend 25-year rule through constitutional amendment. Biya called protests an attempted coup, vowed to use “all means” to restore order; at least 20 killed amid reports of heavy gunfire, looting and police use of tear gas.

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