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Video / Africa

Managing the Jihadist Takeover of Park W | Gérer la prise de contrôle par les jihadistes du Park W

In this video, Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim discusses the situation in West Africa's Park W, how we got here, and what can be done.

Special Coverage / Africa

The “Geopolitics of Climate Change and Conflict” Series: A Summary

The International Crisis Group’s Solutions Lab hosted a year-long series of virtual convenings on the geopolitics of climate change and conflict, in partnership with Stiftung Mercator. This summary highlights key insights and recommendations from the three expert roundtables. 

Q&A / Africa

What Turmoil in ECOWAS Means for Nigeria and Regional Stability

Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have left ECOWAS, the regional bloc that sanctioned them after military officers seized power in each. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Nnamdi Obasi assesses the import of these events for West Africa’s security architecture and Nigeria’s influence therein. 

Podcast / Africa

Genre et conflit : comprendre l’insécurité au Sahel

Dans cet épisode d’Afrique 360°, Enrica Picco et Floor Keuleers reçoivent Oumou Sall Seck, maire de la ville malienne de Goundam et ancienne ambassadrice du Mali en Allemagne, et Ornella Moderan, chercheuse spécialisée dans les questions de sécurité et de gouvernance au Sahel, pour parler des inégalités de genre dans la perpétuation des violences et la construction de la paix au Sahel.

Podcast / Africa

Military Rule and Russian Mercenaries in the Sahel

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Jean-Hervé Jezequel, Crisis Group’s Sahel director, to discuss Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso’s withdrawal from the West African regional bloc ECOWAS, their fight against al-Qaeda and ISIS-linked militants and the future of military rule in the Sahel.

Podcast / Africa

As Crises Swirl, Africa’s Leaders Converge

This week on The Horn, Alan is joined by Liesl Louw-Vaudran, Crisis Group’s senior advisor to the African Union (AU), to discuss what happened (and not) at the 2024 AU Summit, the annual gathering of African heads of state.

Podcast / Africa

Scission de la Cédéao et troubles politiques au Sénégal : l’Afrique de l’Ouest en crise

Dans cet épisode d’Afrique 360°, Enrica Picco et Rinaldo Depagne reçoivent Gilles Yabi, fondateur et directeur exécutif du think tank WATHI, pour parler de la crise qui secoue la Communauté des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (Cédéao), des troubles politiques qui agitent le Sénégal et des conséquences de ces deux événements majeurs pour la stabilité de la région.

Q&A / Africa

The Security Council Agrees to Consider Funding AU Peace Operations

In late December 2023, the UN Security Council signed on to a framework for channelling UN funds to African Union-led peacekeeping missions. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Daniel Forti and Liesl Louw-Vaudran unpack the agreement and its implications.

Briefing / Africa

Eight Priorities for the African Union in 2024

With deadly conflict raging in countries across the continent, the African Union has much to do in helping make peace in the year ahead. This briefing identifies eight tasks in particular need of the organisation’s time and attention.

Also available in Français
Commentary / Africa

Reorienting Europe’s Approach in the Sahel

Military regimes in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger are putting civilians at risk with the tactics of their campaigns against jihadists. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2024, Crisis Group identifies how the EU can recalibrate its policies to promote stability and human rights in the Sahel.

Also available in Français

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