Crisis Group Report Launch: A Tale of Two Councils: Strengthening AU-UN Cooperation

14h00-15h30 in Brussels, International Crisis Group Office 149 Avenue Louise, 14th floor

4 July 2019

International Crisis Group is pleased to invite you to a discussion with our Senior UN Analyst Ashish Pradhan, who will present the report "A Tale of Two Councils: Strengthening AU-UN Cooperation" in Brussels. 

The report draws on Crisis Group's analysis and insights into the relationship of the UN Security Council and the AU's Peace and Security Council. Ashish will explain how internal challenges and inter-council tensions are driving the bodies apart and suggest ways to improve their cooperation. The better the two councils work together, the more successful they can be in reinforcing each other’s efforts to prevent and end deadly conflict on the African continent.

The cooperation with the UN and the AU on peace operations and conflict prevention is also central to the EU approach to peace and security. At a time where it is re-negotiating its relationship with African states and reviewing its future support for African peace operations, a better understanding on AU-UN dynamics can inform its engagement and make its policies more effective. 

Participants: The conference will bring together approximately 25 participants from the diplomatic community in Brussels, EU institutions and member states as well as other international institutions and civil society representatives. 

Format: Presentation by Ashish Pradhan followed by a discussion among participants. The conference will take place between 14h00 and 15h30. Coffee will be served from 13h30. 


To register, please send an email to [email protected] byWednesday 3 July.

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