30 November 2022

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated that “the best way to deal with Iran’s nuclear program is through diplomacy… We’ve been very clear with them – and not just the U.S., but others, including European partners – that they should not take additional steps to increase their nuclear capacity, including by enriching to higher levels. And if they pursue that direction, we’ll be prepared to respond”. Blinken further asserted that ongoing anti-government protests were “first and foremost about Iranians, about their future, about their country, and it’s not about us. And one of the profound mistakes that the regime makes is to try to point the finger at others – at the U.S., Europeans – claiming that we are somehow responsible for instigating or otherwise fanning the flames of the protests. That is to profoundly, fundamentally misunderstand their own people”.

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