Moldovan officials are worried that Russia may try manipulating divisions between the capital and two dissident regions ahead of October polls. These fissures have widened as Chisinau draws closer to the West. To reduce frictions, the government should reach out anew to the regional authorities.
CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.
Israel/Palestine Lebanon Libya Nicaragua Russia (Internal) Tanzania Tunisia Venezuela
[Russia and Vietnam] were once on the same side of history, they shared the same ideology against Western capitalism and imperialism. And the legacy of shared ideology is...
For too long, allies clung to magical thinking about Russia's weakness and Ukraine's ability to force the Kremlin into talks with battlefield success.
This is strategically important for the EU. It is necessary to avoid causing Turkey to drift further to other places.
Kosovo is winning the battle for control of its rebellious north, while hopes for normalisation between Pristina and Belgrade are fading .
If Ukraine doesn’t receive the weapons from the West that it needs to keep fighting … it doesn’t stand much of a chance.
Explore Crisis Group's map that shows movements of military units and fortification building below.
This week on War & Peace, Olga is joined by Marko Prelec, Crisis Group’s consulting senior Balkans analyst, to discuss the political landscape in the Western Balkans, the risks of Bosnia and Herzegovina falling apart, simmering tensions between Kosovo and Serbia, and prospects for EU enlargement.
This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Finnish President Alexander Stubb about next week’s NATO summit, European security, the Ukraine war and Europe’s relations with the rest of the world.
This week on War & Peace, Olga and Elissa are joined by Lucian Kim, senior Ukraine analyst at Crisis Group, to talk about the mood in Kyiv and Washington over the war in Ukraine and Washington’s Ukraine policy as the U.S. heads for elections in November.
This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group’s Europe & Central Asia director Olga Oliker about the latest from Ukraine, prospects for a negotiated settlement to the war and what lies ahead for European security.
Even as Ukraine continues to resist Russia’s onslaught, it faces the challenge of reintegrating lands its army freed from Russian occupation in 2022. With aid from donors, there is much Kyiv can do to help make these areas peaceful and productive once more.
In this online event, Crisis Group experts discuss the diplomats meeting in Lucerne about the war in Ukraine, its implications and Ukraine’s diplomatic strategy.
This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group’s Türkiye director Nigar Göksel about Türkye’s policy in its neighbourhood as Ankara seeks to defend its interests in a region caught up and reshaped by recent wars.
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