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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Court 13 July sentenced 11 Shiites 1-7 years on charges arising from Dec anti-govt demonstrations, amid rights groups’ allegations of torture. 225 detained since events released 30 July.

Middle East & North Africa


Some 2,500 in Manama opposition protests, calling for release of activists detained after Dec 2007 clashes and investigation of abuse claims.

Middle East & North Africa


Human Rights Watch called  for  investigation into alleged police abuse of individuals detained following demonstrations in Dec 2007.

Middle East & North Africa


Protestor died following 17 December rally commemorating 1990s Shiite-led uprising against minority Sunni rule. Following next-day funeral, protestors clashed with security forces in outskirts of Manama: 40 arrested on charges including attempted murder, illegal assembly and rioting. Al-Wefaq, Shiite Islamist-led group in parliament, demanded inquiry into death and detentions. 3-4 December Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) meeting in Qatar criticised Tehran’s attitude towards GCC states, and avoidance of issue of Abu Musa and Tunbs islands claimed by UAE.

Middle East & North Africa


Leader of Islamist al-Wifaq, main Shiite group in national assembly threatened to resign 8 October, to compel government to offer better rewards for al-Wifaq’s involvement in parliament. Group joined 16 October opening of second term of parliament.

Middle East & North Africa


Diplomatic tensions raised after Iranian senior adviser to Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei asserted Iranian sovereignty over Bahrain in response to usual 5 July Gulf Cooperation Council support for UAE sovereignty over Abu Musa and Tunbs islands. Iranian FM Manoushehr Mottaki rejected adviser’s claim in trip to Manama 14 July. Sporadic protests in Shiite-majority areas over poverty and land rights continued.

Middle East & North Africa


Police clashed with supporters of Shiite opposition movement Haq (Right) in Nuwaidrat, Maamer and several Shiite villages 20-21 May. Violence sparked by police break-up of demonstration over planned trials of Haq leader Hassan Mushaima and executive director of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights, Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, on security charges including calling for overthrow of regime. King Shaikh Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa ordered public prosecution to withdraw its case 19 May.

Middle East & North Africa


Several Shiite protests for democratic reforms turned violent leading to several arrests. Interior ministry officials claimed to have disrupted training camp in Bani Jamrah aimed at “destabilising the country’s security”.

Middle East & North Africa


Jawad Oraied appointed as country’s first Shiite deputy PM, but main Shiite opposition group, Al-Wafiq, given only 1 cabinet position out of 24 despite winning close to half of parliamentary seats in November polls.

Middle East & North Africa


Majority Shiites and Sunni/Shiite Islamists made gains in 25 November parliamentary and municipal elections. Shiite Al Wefaq party won 16 of 17 seats it contested in 40- seat lower house. Runoff vote for 11 undecided constituencies due 2 December and will decide on lower house majority of either pro-government Sunnis or opposition alliance of Shiites and liberals. Shura Council, appointed by King Hamad, has final say over any legislation.

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