International Crisis Group's North East Asia Senior Adviser Michael Kovrig
Media Release 1 minutes

Detention of Michael Kovrig

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The International Crisis Group calls for the immediate release of its North East Asia Senior Adviser Michael Kovrig. Michael was detained on Monday night in Beijing by the Beijing Bureau of Chinese State Security. Crisis Group has received no information about Michael since his detention and is concerned for his health and safety. We are making every effort to learn more and to secure consular access to Michael from the Chinese authorities.

Michael has been a full-time and highly respected expert for Crisis Group since February 2017. Though a former Canadian diplomat, he no longer works for the Canadian government and is employed solely by Crisis Group. Throughout his time with the organisation, Michael has distinguished himself for his rigorous and impartial reporting, regularly interviewing Chinese officials to accurately reflect their views in our work.

He is a noted and sought after contributor on security issues in North East Asia, particularly relating to China, Japan and the Korean peninsula. Among his recent publications are a paper about China's expanding role in peace and security in Africa and contributions to pieces on the North Korean nuclear crisis.

Crisis Group is an independent organisation that conducts field research and offers policy recommendations to help end deadly conflicts worldwide. Our Board of Trustees comprises prominent figures from the highest levels of government, business and philanthropic institutions from more than 30 countries, including former heads of state and foreign ministers from  Algeria, Australia, Colombia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Israel, Japan, Liberia, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden. Two Trustees are Chinese: Hu Shuli, founder and publisher of Caixin Media, and Wang Jisi, President of the Institute of International and Strategic Studies at Peking University.

We continue to seek information on Michael’s case and wellbeing and will post updates as necessary.

Contact: [email protected]

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