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Displaying 41 - 50 of 52 articles
Op-Ed / Africa

Mali: Exchanging One Crisis for Another?

Below is an English translation of the op-ed “Au Mali : ne pas rajouter une crise à la crise”, published in Le Figaro.

Also available in Français
Report / Africa

Mali: Security, Dialogue and Meaningful Reform

Mali and its international partners need to seize the moment for national dialogue to forestall renewed political and security crises.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified, Français
Video / Africa

International Crisis Group at Work: Mali

Crisis Group's Africa Program Director Comfort Ero recounts Crisis Group's response to Mali's 2012 coup.

Briefing / Africa

Mali: The Need for Determined and Coordinated International Action

Concerted effort by national, regional and international actors at a special Sahel meeting on 26 September, on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York, is urgently needed to stop Mali from descending further into chaos.

Also available in Français
Report / Africa

Mali: Avoiding Escalation

Calls for military intervention in Mali are increasing but it could sink the state, which is already on the brink of dissolution, further into chaos.

Also available in Français

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